Jumat, 23 Maret 2018


New area and investment location on batam island .. ## Winner Flower House & ## Winner Kaliban Superblock ...

Currently doing big project investments only Winner Group for kabil - punggur area, in because kabil by urban spatial and development the priority and the prima donna bridge Batam - Bintan is only one factor causing the cabil - punggur be the prima donna location for property investment.

Seeing that all the winner Group who first built Superblock area WINNER KALIBAN SUPERBLOK which in it is very complex (Apartment - SOHO - Hotel - townhouse 2 and 3 Floor)
* marketed first price townhouse Rp 650 million,

And build a safe, comfortable settlement by still paying attention to your PROPERTY VALUE because in Winner Flower House Kabil also built Apartment, Hotel, and residence dg limited unit ,, * Marketed residence dg initial price Rp 300 millions.

Present by winner Batam Group For ordering information contact Usmans at Call / Wa: 0812 6181 8689

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